Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's June and the Apple Tree is in Bloom

It's mid-June and after such a long wait, it was exciting to see activity at the house. The flagstone that was salvaged from the sidewalks when the city replaced it with concrete was removed and set aside to be reused in the new landscaping.

Salvaged Flagstone

Lead-based paint and asbestos is an issue in old houses so a team was brought in to safely remove all of the materials affected.  The carpeting and vinyl was stripped from the floors revealing old yellow pine flooring that will be reused on the exposed beam master bedroom ceiling. Lathe and plaster was pulled from the walls stripping the house to its bare bones.

Yellow Pine Floors

Cross Section of Materials Used in Old Construction

As layers were peeled away, various materials were exposed including vinyl on the walls, layers of wallpaper and paint, tar paper and old newspaper used as insulation, and the lathe and plaster.

Front Portion of House Stripped Down

The house feels like a clean slate now.  The old interior walls will be removed and new supports will be put in place.  At that point, we'll have a sense of how large the new living space will be.

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