Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Calm After the Storm

Mollie G. Strickland Whiteley
courtesy of the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History
Boulder Historical Society Collection
Around the time that Mollie purchased the house at 1937 Spruce Street, she also purchased other properties. While it is unknown whether she maintained residence at the Spruce Street property, it remained in her name for most of the 36 years preceeding her death.

Mollie sold the house to Katherine Augustus on August 20, 1919 and Katherine immediately subdivided the lot, keeping the South 95 feet of Lot 10, where the house stands. She kept the property until October 11, 1920 when she sold it to Thomas Earl Williams. The following day, Williams took out a loan against the property.

The property was reacquired by Mollie Whiteley in 1922. Since the deed indicates that there was a Successor in Trust to Mr. Williams, it is likely that Williams defaulted on the loan and a Trustee’s sale was ordered.

Mollie passed away on October 28, 1936. Her Will left her property, including 1937 Spruce Street, to her sisters and their heirs.

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