Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Flurry of Work

We have been fortunate that the onset of winter was late this year. It allowed us the time we needed to get work on the outside completed before snow began to fall. The driveway needed to be poured and the roof still needed to be shingled.

Pouring the Driveway

Estate Grey Shingles
The garage door arrived and was hung and a shallow roof was added above the dining area’s French doors to provide some protection from the elements. There will be an elevated Brazilian redwood deck on this side of the house and the little roof really dresses up the entrance to the kitchen.

West Deck Roof
Flagstone needed to be extended into the window wells to tie the old foundation to the new. Gutters were installed, the south side of Jessica’s garage was faced with vertical plank siding, and salvaged flagstone was turned into a new front walkway. The newly constructed fence is a huge improvement over what previously existed – a mismatch of wire fencing and plywood scraps. Once painted, it will add a great deal of charm to the corner.

Facing with Flagstone

Flagstone Window Well

New Siding on the Old Garage

Laying Out the Sidewalk

Adding Flagstone to the Front Steps

West Fence

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