Sunday, September 19, 2010

Beam Me Up

Second floor construction began with exterior walls going up.  The house is beginning to take shape.  Now we can begin to see how the new addition will tie to the original structure.  It’s a beautiful day in Boulder and the crew is busy preparing for delivery of a massive steel beam that will support the new roof.

Walls Going Up on the Second Level

Tying Together the Old with the New

Street View of the Second Story

The master bedroom will be located on the second floor along with a bath and an office alcove.

Doors to a Deck, the Office Alcove and Stairwell

Looking Toward the Master Bedroom

Wow.  That is a big beam.  The framers commented that the house is constructed like a commercial building.  I guess we won’t have to worry about those 100 mph winds Boulder occasionally experiences.

The Beam Arrives

Beam Placement

Why We Wear Hard Hats!

With the beam in place, the remainder of the roof is constructed and walls can start going up.

The Beam is Secured in Place

The Beam Runs the Length of the Master Bedroom

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