Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Uncovering the Past

The questions have always been, ‘when was the house built and who was the first owner’? I believe the house was built in 1895.

There were two owners of record in 1895. Alec McDonald, owned the property until September 20th, at which time he sold the property to Benjamin Nelson. The same day Nelson purchased the property, he used it for security “to secure Bertrand C. Hinman for $500 for 3 years at 8% payable semiannually or to be counted as principal.”

A Denver Times newspaper dated October 10, 1895 was found during demolition affixed to the south west corner of the back porch. Does this mean that the house was erected after Nelson purchased the property? Could the foundation, framing and insulation have been completed between September 20 – October 10, 1895? If this is the case, the first owner of the house at 1937 Spruce Street would have been Benjamin Nelson.

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